Introduction to MkDocs Markdown
General Formatting
Markdown enables you to have italic, bold, highlighted, underlined, strikethrough and inline code
text. Furthermore, you can provide links. In addition to these basic formatting rules you can also decide to includesubscript and evensuperscript, deletions and additions and even comments. For special occassions you can show even keyboard shortcuts: Cmd+C
You can also generate ordered:
- ordered
- list
... and unordered lists:
- with
- different
- symbols
... and todo lists:
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
- Vestibulum convallis sit amet nisi a tincidunt
- In hac habitasse platea dictumst
- In scelerisque nibh non dolor mollis congue sed et metus
- Praesent sed risus massa
- Aenean pretium efficitur erat, donec pharetra, ligula non scelerisque